Thursday 6 November 2014

Nathan Mikaere-Wallis

I feel I cannot even begin to explain the impact this educator has had on my pedagogy, learning environment, attitude, personal philosophy and peace of mind this year.

I reference him a lot - in conversations with colleagues, parents, students and, most importantly, myself! (in this blog, most recently, here btw).

Attended part two of his lecture series here in Nelson tonight and am still overwhelmed with ... hmm, what is the word... validation probably is the closest one I can think of.

Tonight we recapped brain stages 1 and 2 and then completed with info on stage 3 and 4.
Not many weeks left of term for me to work on 4 - Executive Brain function but I will do my best!

He specifically referenced Lumosity for reinforcing and exercising executive brain function. I used to have a free account and really liked it until it asked me to pay. Now that he has mentioned it I am happy to pay a year subscription!
I'll let you know how it goes!

I wonder if there is a special school subscription! Gotta be better than study ladder!!

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